
Welcome to
Mini 4WD UK


Raising the profile of Mini 4WD in the UK

Mini 4WD was popular around the world in the late 80’s & early 90’s, in the last 5 years it’s popularity has risen again in Japan, the US, Philippines and some areas of Europe.

In the UK, however, there is a small following that is beginning to grow. We would like to introduce you to Tamiya Mini 4WD, and hopefully inspire you to build your own machines.


Mini 4WD Racing

Once you have built your machine it’s time to race it. We are organising and promoting Mini 4WD racing events around the UK.

Head over to our Mini 4WD racing page to find an event near you!


Race rules


Box stock class

Box stock class is intended to be a fun entry into Tamiya Mini 4WD racing


Tuned class

An introduction to modified racing, without the need of specialist tools and knowledge.


Open class

Based on the Official Tamiya Japan Cup regulations, Open Class allows you to push the boundaries of your machine’s performance!

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