The home of UK Mini 4WD racing

 About Mini 4WD UK


We started Mini 4WD UK to encourage growth in the UK’s base of Mini 4WD enthusiasts.

For the most part Mini 4WD has been absent from the UK since the 1990’s, with little interest from the UK distributor to bring in Mini 4WD kits & parts. We’re hoping by increasing the size of the community and providing events where we can all get together and race, we will drive demand so kits and parts will begin to be imported to the UK.


Our Team



Aust first got into Mini 4WD in the early 1990s, racing his Dash 4 Cannonball at Arthur Barnett in Dunedin, New Zealand. In the late 90s he began racing RC cars, and even had a stint working for HPI Racing in the early 2000s. In 2016 he rediscovered his passion for Mini 4WD after finding the Evo series of chassis online.


Quisque congue porttitor ullamcorper.


A having put up with Aust’s obsession for sometime, it’s classic case of “if you can’t beat them, join them”. Ruthie got a little over-excited about Mini 4WD when she visited Stargek in Singapore armed with Aust’s shopping list and ended up buying her first car, an Avante Pink Special (MS chassis), and a few goodies.

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